theorizing the construction of pleasure

From raw camera roll videos to a remix of time, this video studies how pleasure can be formally constructed through editing. It displays a pleasure connected to memory through sound and the blurs of slow-motion. The video creates a different kind of pleasure in line with its haptic quality, one that isn’t necessarily sexual. It is a pleasure of memory triggered by this haptic quality, of recalling the feeling of touch and having that come first, rather than a narrative. Augmenting the haptic quality of ordinary moments in life by playing with temporality, the video creates what I would like to call a “memory-pleasure”. A pleasure of emotionally carried senses being triggered by memories that the viewer associates to specific moving images and sounds.

The video starts by showing all the raw footage used in the attempt to create pleasure. This initial display of the database is a way to expose the process of selection and combination and to make it clear that if the video created any type of pleasure, it was only through editing, through audiovisual manipulation.